Docker Container

Run Jibril using docker.

Create a Configuration File

$ mkdir /etc/jibril

$ vi /etc/jibril/config.yaml

Use the default configuration file as reference.

Obtain the Image

$ docker pull garnetlabs/jibril:v1.5

Run Jibril using Docker

$ docker run --rm --name=jibril --privileged \
    --pid=host --cgroupns=host --network=host \
    -e TERM=xterm -v /sys:/sys:ro \
    -v /sys/fs/bpf:/sys/fs/bpf:rw \
    -v /etc/jibril/:/etc/jibril:rw \
    -v /var/log/jibril:/var/log/jibril:rw \
    garnetlabs/jibril:v1.5 --config /etc/jibril/config.yaml

This command is an example of how one can run Jibril using its docker image.

For Kubernetes, use the Kubernetes instructions.

Last updated

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